Sunday, June 17, 2012

What Fogarty's fossils look like. . .

Together with five other Oregon photographers I am starting my first month of a lifestyle blogging project entitled "What ___________ looks like," an idea inspired by a group of photographers out of Montana.  On the third Monday of each month I will fill in the blank with my own word or concept, and link to the next photographer's blog until the circle is complete.  I hope you take the time to enjoy this monthly photographic journey, and enjoy each of our monthly projects. 

What {Fogarty's fossils} look like

 My favorite place to photograph on the coast is the beach at Fogarty Creek State Park.  A good sunrise brightening up the iconic rock pile is a marvelous sight but the other subjects that get my visual heart pumping are Fogarty’s fossils. 

When the tide is low, you can walk north between the cliffs and the tide pools and find rocks that have been holding tightly to their clam shell captives for something like 15,000,000 years!  



Now head on over to my daughter's site and see what she's been up to this month:


  1. Beautiful images...makes me want to take a trip to the coast!

    1. Hey, thanks a lot! C'mon over, we'll check the tide app and have a fossil party.

  2. Great work, Dad! Proud of you for being "out there...' (though, I always knew you were... "out there!" lol)

  3. So glad Kim shared your blog site with us! We look forward to checking it out each month.
    -The Rensels
    Hans, Tangie, McKenna, Demye, & Christian
