One great joy of Fogarty Creek State Park/Beach is that it is always changing. Always! I happened to notice the light between the big slab of rock on the right and the cliff on August 12, 2011. I also noticed that it was "standing" on a very small, narrow "foot." I thought at the time that this monster rock might collapse one day but I didn't know how soon that might be.
I returned several times after taking this photo and the rock slab was still standing, where it had been for so many years.
Three weeks later, on September 1, 2011, I returned again and, sure enough, the big slab had fallen away from the cliff! I'm glad that no one was standing there admiring the cliff when it decided to let go.
On June 5, 2012. I photographed this pile of rock that appeared to have fallen away from the cliff.
Six days later, on June 11, 2012, I was back at Fogarty and a very large chunk of rock had come away from the cliff, creating a shallow cave under the overhanging cliff. Needless to say, I've become very wary when walking near Fogarty's cliffs. I also note that the sand is now covering much of the foreground.
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