Saturday, August 18, 2012

What a _____________ looks like. . .

Together with five other Oregon photographers, I am posting the third month of a lifestyle blogging project entitled, "What a _______________ looks like," an idea inspired by a group of photographers out of Montana.  On the third Monday of each month I will fill in the blank with my own word or concept, and link to the next photographer's blog until the circle is complete.  I hope you will take the time to enjoy each of our monthly projects.  Thank you!

                      What a {down economy} looks like, at least in part.

When we moved here from Montana ten years ago, we lived in an apartment while looking for a house to buy.  A few times a week, we walked the two blocks down to the Hilltop Inn for dinner.  Over the years we met friends there because it was local and friendly.  Two months ago I was driving past the Hilltop and noticed a for sale sign posted on the side of the building.  As I continued on through town, I passed another restaurant that had also just closed down. 

I began wondering how many empty buildings there were in town and started looking around.  Sad to say, I found quite a number of closed businesses and I decided to use that for this month’s blog.    The day I photographed the buildings it was overcast and rather gloomy so I thought black and white would be the perfect medium for displaying these empty buildings representing loss of income for the owners and services for the community.

Now please visit Jessica Heigh of Lady J Photography