Saturday, July 14, 2012

What {my garage} looks like. . .

What my garage looks like. . .

Together with five other Oregon photographers, I am posting the second month of a lifestyle blogging project entitled, "What ____________ looks like," an idea inspired by a group of photographers out of Montana.  On the third Monday of each month I will fill in the blank with my own word or concept, and link to the next photographer's blog until the circle is complete.  I hope you take the time to enjoy each of our monthly projects.  

What {My Garage} looks like

For most of us, there isn't a more mundane space in our lives than our garage.  We've lived in our house for ten years and when we first moved in it served as a storage facility.  We wanted to park both our cars in the garage and out of the salty coastal air so shelves were the next order of business.  The garage then became a construction workplace for building decks in the rear and in the front of the house.  After that, it was used for building cedar planters to provide a mobile garden for each of the decks.  

Now, the garage serves, once again, as a primary storage facility for our garden and excess household articles (ok, let's be honest and call it what it is. . . junk).  

When I was thinking about this month's blog, I wanted to find a different venue than my usual sand and surf infested locations and as I went out to get in Zippy the truck to search the coast for a good spot, I actually looked at the garage clutter and saw past the junk and saw color and pattern and design.  Amazing.  

So, here's my garage.  I'm starting with a black and white photo of my workbench because like most of us who are way over 40, black and white is what we started out with.  In fact, when I convert to black and white, I always think of my old friends, Tri-X film and D-76, remember those?  

Next month I'll no doubt be back blogging about the beach.

Now head on over to my daughter's site and see what she's been up to this month:


  1. I love it - in so many ways, dad! Way to think outside the box...

  2. I agree...who knew your garage could be so fun, colorful and neat to photograph!?! Great pictures :)
